About Our Meeting For Worship
There is no outward signal to announce the start of our worship. We gather to wait upon our Lord in silence. We wait for His power and His life to fill us. We wait until our Lord's spirit moves us and gives us words to speak. We do not speak or sing or pray in our own will and words, our earthly wisdom, or at the time we have picked. We speak as our Lord opens within our hearts what it is He would have us to speak to His assembled people. If any of us---man, woman, or child---speaks, it is as a vessel through which God speaks.
Our worship is worship in which our Lord is an active participant, choosing who will minister, choosing what will be sung and what will be prayed. Our worship is for the building up of our Lord's church, which is a gathering of His people in His spirit.
God's true church is that body of which Christ is the head, directing it as its priest, king, prophet, shepherd, bishop, governor, and orderer. We know He calls His sheep by name and gathers them in love, and that He has other sheep, besides ourselves, that He is gathering beyond our knowledge. Our worship recognizes Christ Jesus as our present and lifelong teacher, who instructs us how to live in His world and gives us the power to forsake sin and live in perfect obedience to His Will.
We invite you to wait upon the Lord with us and know the gospel, the good news of God's power to teach and lead us in all things. Seek to be still and quiet, letting go your own thoughts and desires, your wandering imagination and the murmurings of your own will, the counsel and notions of your own heart. This may not be easy at first. As you strive to banish them, they may assert themselves harder. Therefore, simply ask our Lord to lift them from you. Then, waiting on the Lord, you will know the presence of your Shepherd, and you shall not want.
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. --John 4:23,24.
The Meeting for Worship closes with the shaking of hands. Following this time of worship, we usually share together in a meal and a time of fellowship. We welcome visitors to join us for the meal and fellowship as well as the worship.